Attacks on my healing

I’m so tired of not being in power of my own life. There is so little I can do myself. I have my duties and responsibilities and then there’s all of these things that’s just thrown upon me.

When living with low energy and anxiety, everything can be a huge threat. All the chores, all the meetings, all the things that must be bought and fixed and the kids that need to be taken cared of.

This intuitive painting is actually showing two of my most painted elements: the positive/negative spiral and the arrows/spears attacking.

I imagine my healing and rehab as a spiral, where I keep going up and down based on what’s happening in my life. In better times I can focus on relaxing, movement, food and getting better. Other times I just focus on surviving.

The spears are the extra responsibilities, chores, meetings, stuff that breaks, stuff needing to be fixed or bought, sicknesses, deadlines, stressors, etc.

And these very much makes my healing very much harder.

I long for a calm period of time where I can focus on myself instead of ‘släcka bränder’ (extinguish fires) and doing emergency stuff all the time.
